

Horde - Best horde race would be Troll as most of all agree due to their racial spell. People also prefer Taurens due to increased HP.
Alliance - It would be Night Elves due to their racial spell of Shadowmeld. Some people prefer Also Worgens.


I would advise you to take Leatherworking / Inscription.


Blood in the Water. Some people prefer it but i don't because it isn't very useful in PvP.


Prime Glyphs - [Glyph of Berserk] [Glyph of Bloodletting] [Glyph of Rip]

Major Glyphs - [Glyph of Pounce] [Glyph of Barskin] [Glyph of Feral Charge]
Minor Glyphs - [Glyph of Dash] [Glyph of Aquatic Form] [Glyph of Mark of the Wild]

Note: The minor glyphs are my choice, you may use any glyphs for minor. But I would recommend Dash.


2H Weapon Enhant: Mighty Agility
Bracer: Greater Critical Strike / Draconic Embossment-Agility(Leatherworking Profession)
Chest: Peerless Stats
Cloak: Greater Critical Strike
Feet: Haste
Gloves: Greater Mastery
Head: Arcanum of Ramkahen
Legs: Dragonscale Leg Amor
Shoulders: Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal / Swifsteel Inscription(Inscription Profession)
Waist: Ebonsteel Belt Buckle + Nitro Boosts(not necessary)

Yellow: Mystic Amberjewel (If u feel confident that you can do withoout resilience you can use agility + mastery or pure mastery here)
Blue: Glinting Demonseye (To get 5%Hit i have used this)

Reforge to 5% hit then Reforge to Mastery > Crit

Stat Priority

Agility > Mastery > Crit > Haste > Resilience

Mastery is a 100% chance while Crit is lower than that, So i prefer to go Mastery > Haste.

Hit 5%


Charge + Stun in Bear
#showtooltip Feral Charge(Bear Form)
/Cast Feral Charge(Bear Form)
/Cast Bash

Charge + Rake in Cat
#showtooltip Feral Charge(Cat Form)
/Cast Feral Charge(Cat Form)
/Cast Rake

Life Saver
#showtooltip Survival Instincts
/cast [nostance:1] Bear Form
/cast Frenzied Regeneration
/cast Survival Instincts
/cast Enrage
/cast Barkskin
/cast Nature's Grasp

Feral Faerie Fire - Feral Charge (Cat Form) - Free Ravage - Savage Roar - Mangle - Rake - Tigers Fury - Shred (Until 5 CP) - Rip - (Trinkets / Pots /..)Macro - Shred (Until 5 CP) - Maim - Instant* - Follow priority List:
Keep up Rake
Keep up 5CP Rip
Keep up Faerie Fire
Keep up Savage Roar
Keep up Mangle
Always use Tigers Fury on cooldown
Always use Berserk on cooldown
Feral Charge + Free Ravage if your FC cooldown is up
Keep Shredding for 5CP

Note*When you have 5 combo points and your bleeds are already on the target and there is no need for a stun. However you see your partner low, you can use any Finishing move to get Instant Cast to heal your parter, yourself or to Cyclone / Root / Hibernate someone. If you're away and can't cast a normal finishing move on the target (you're rooted or something) you can use Savage Roar to get the Instant Cast proc and CC / Heal. Use Ferocious Bite to finish people off.

Good luck and if you have any questions or anything to say post a comment!

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